A fire or flood has the capability of destroying your home and property. Whether a flood is the result of busted pipes or lots of rain, coming home to water damaged items is no fun. Fires are even more devastating because it moves so quickly and can damage things beyond repair, causing you to lose valuables and memories.
Even after you clean up and get things back in order, you may be stuck with odours that linger long after things are back to normal. With professional home odour elimination services, you can remove the smells from your home and hopefully start breathing better.
Odours that Result from Water Damage
Water damage odours may not be noticeable right away. Unless a flood is the result of a natural disaster, where rain or natural running water enters your home, there may be little to no smell once things dry out. With natural flooding the water is often contaminated and begins to smell right away. But just because there is no smell, doesn't mean you should wait to hire odour elimination services.
Once things start to smell bad, you know that you've already been breathing in potentially hazardous substances for too long. Stagnant water causes mould and mildew to thrive and it grows quickly. The downside to mould and mildew is that it can be hard to pinpoint the source of the smell. With a professional company, they have the tools and training needed to walk into your home and locate the source of the odour and work to quickly remove it.
Odour Elimination of Fire Damage
Stand next to a campfire and it won't be long before everything from your hair to your clothes smells like smoke. It may even take a few cycles through the washing machine to get the smoke smell out of your clothing. This makes it easy to imagine what a home must smell like after suffering a fire. To many people, smoke is one of the hardest odours to remove from carpeting, walls, and furniture.
With current technology and equipment, odour elimination professionals can successfully remove odour from a fire damaged home. Going room by room and cleaning with specialised cleaning agents and odour solvents, it is possible to have smoke smells removed permanently. In severe cases, you may need to schedule follow-up visits to insure that all of the remaining smell is completely gone.
While odour elimination may seem impossible when you try to clean it out yourself, working with the right company to thoroughly clean your home will have you breathing clean air quickly.
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