Handyman services are important for your house as they take good care of a wide gamut of activities like seasonal maintenance of your house, garage repair, customizing your living rooms, repairing doors as well as many other crucial jobs. A handyman is a reliable professional who carries on with a home improvement project in a cost effective way. However, it is really painful to see that there are many scam artists who take the disguise of handymen and con you. You need to be aware of these scam artists to protect your own interests. Take a look at the following points to know how you can identify these cons.
Voluntary phone calls
In the first place, a con who wishes to woo you as a local handyman would make unsolicited or voluntary phone calls to you. A genuine handyman will never call you up. They either advertise or get client by bidding on projects through online community marketplaces.
Sudden visits to your house
You might find them at your doorstep in an afternoon or at any time of the day. They use their best charms to con you. These dishonest people come to visit you in best of dresses and with a compassionate smile on face. With their pleasing mannerisms, they try to get your attention. They promptly offer hoards of explanations to convince you about the reasons for paying visits to your residential property.
Request of upfront payment
To make an entry into your house, they might offer you an insignificant renovation work for free or at a very low rate. They do it to get your attention. In the next phase, they would make their efforts to coax you so that you give them access to your house to check other parts that need repairing. Once you let them in, it will be the biggest mistake on your part. They will take a close look at almost every possible object and they will surely find faults with things that they look at. They will give you hoards of reasons to convince you why these parts should be repaired. If you believe in them and agree to get handyman services from them they will ask for an upfront payment but will never show up after you make the payment.
No warranty and license
They can never produce you any valid documents related to their work. All they can offer you is verbal assurance of meeting your requirements in the best possible way.
Consider these issues very seriously. By following these aspects, you can sense a con and weed him out with immediate effect. Beware when they show up. If they turn up at your house, do not make the fatal blunder of giving them a direct access to your domicile. You should better ask them to give you genuine client testimonials or references first. If they say that, they are in this business for a long span of time then ask them to produce the contact details of the customers whom they have served recently. Do not offer them jobs without verifying their documents.
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